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New Horizons Rehab was established in 1993, and continues to be the mainstay facility to provide rehab services in North Perth.
Our team of physiotherapists treat orthopaedic conditions such as back and neck injuries, sprains, strains and fractures; neurological conditions such as strokes, concussions, mild to severe brain injureis, MS; vertigo, dizziness and balance concerns; pelvic health; sports injuries; children, adults and seniors. All physiotherapists are certified in acupuncture. One physiotherapist provides dry needling.
Our occupational therapist is skilled in paediatrics treating a broad range of conditions including autism, developmental coordination delay, ADHD, sensory concerns, school concerns such as handwriting.. Additionally she assesses home safety, completes home assessments prior to discharge from hospital, ergonomic assessments, and return to work assessments and plans. She completes cognitive assessments fro concussion, and brain injury and develops treatment plans.
Our speech language therapist works with both children and adults. She assists children with speech delay, stutter, autism and other conditions. She works with adults who have sustained concussion and mild to severe brain injury on cognitive rehab as well as swallowing.
Our Rehab Support Worker works under the direction of the rehab professionals including the physiotherapist, occupational therapist and speech language pathologist following programmes established by them to assist in the recovery of individuals who have sustained severe injuries, most often in motor vehicle accidents. She assists individuals, both adults and children, who have sustained concussions, mild to moderate brain injuries, and complex orthopaedic injuries. She works with her clients in their homes, the community including gyms and pools, and in the clinic in Listowel.
Our Registered Kinesiologist assists individuals in work conditioning and hardening programs in conjunction with the physiotherapists to assist them in preparing for return to work, and in their graduated return to work. She may attend the community gym with the client as their independence builds to assist them in progressing their exercise programs.
Therapists work as a team with clients who have sustained complex injuries such as concussion, brain injury and complex orthopaedic injuries. They also work with team members outside the clinic including large hospitals and rehab facilities such as Parkwood Hospital in London, specialists, surgeons, and family physicians, lawyers and case managers.
Funding may be through Auto Insurance for Motor Vehicle Accidents, WSIB, Long Term Disability, Extended Health Benefits or through self payment by individuals.